Thursday, August 23, 2007

Each New Day

Silken, the blogger I am presently spotlighting here, keeps another very high quality blog at, Each New Day. I love the optimism and sense of hope reflected in that title. It likewise shows up throughout the blog's entries.

Like her other blogs, silken here shares little tidbits of things she finds here and there. I like her post on the Schlitterbahn in Galveston. Her enthusiasm for the fun one can find in life is shown up in this post. She's not going to be scared off by long lines at a summer outing. Instead, she focuses on the fun her family has when they all go out together.

The whole site is pretty much like that, and it makes for a really pleasant read. And, on top of that, you'll probably find out about a lot of things you never heard of before. That's one of the best parts about all of silken's blogs. She has a curious mind, and a willingness to share the things she's picked up here and there. That makes for very fun reading.

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