Wednesday, August 22, 2007


It seems to happen all the time. We get a view of a person, place him/her in that box, and then it becomes so hard to ever change that perception. It really isn't fair to either person in the relationship, but still... it happens. And it happens all the time.

One place this often happens is in the work place. An employee is penalized over and over, sometimes, for some perception (whether justified or not) that was formed early in his or her employment. It can be difficult for both the employer and those who are supervising him or her to overcome the early perceptions formed.

That's what impresses me about 360 degree feedback. It is a management tool that allows employers to move away from tunnel vision when evaluating their employees. Here's how it works:
• allow the employee being evaluated to fill up a questionaire regarding his or her performance
• give the same questionaire to 5 other workers close to the employee in question, preferably in differing relationships to him or her (a supervisor, a subordinate, a team member, etc.)
• using the various feedback forms collected, Appraisal360's system will help you generate a collated report that gives a well-rounded view of the employee

This is a very valuable resource for HR departments, managers, supervisors... anyone who needs to evaluate other workers. It is even gaining popularity with personal coaches these days as a valuable tool for helping their clients.

Stop by the site and have a look. It is a tool that can be of real help in more effective communication in the work place.

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