I posted this on another of my blog sites, but I thought it would be appropriate for it to appear here as well:
David Wolverton's
The Golden Queen is the book that I most recently finished. I ended up finding it a pleasant enough read, though it isn't something I am particularly interested in revisting.
In my reading of the novel, I found myself growing in sympathy for Gallen, Orick, and Maggie, and feeling a mix of sympathy and disguist for Veriasse and Everynne. It seems to me that this is by design. In addition, I found the dronons to be a pretty disgusting evil race for our friends to face, which made the overall story pretty effective.
I came across a copy of a later book that continues this story when I recently visited a library book sale. I had another 150 or so pages to read, meaning I'd read over 2/3 of it. That seems like about the spot in my reading where I'll have a pretty good idea if it is a story I want to continue to pursue when I finish my reading. Well, I didn't buy the book, even though it would cost me less than $1. I am not really interested in investing the time in continuing along with the story.
That said, the last little bit did make me smile, and I would count
The Golden Queen as an enjoyable enough read in itself.
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