Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Linking Up

Link Popularity. You can't underestimate its importance in building a successful website. It is a necessity. It boosts Page Rank. It generates traffic. If you hope to make a little money on your blog, you can't do so without considering link popularity.

So what is it all about? Well, pretty much what it sounds like. You work on getting links to your website. Google calculates the number of links, how high profile the sites that provide the links are, and other things like that, in an elaborate algorithm set up just for the purpose. When it's all been run through the system, a page rank is assigned to the site. And what is page rank? Well, simply put, it is the place the page will rank in searches. A higher rank means a site will appear closer to the top of a search.

So how do you increas your page rank? Well, you have to have a whole lot of links, or else a fair number of links from vastly popular websites. Getting links on those sorts of sites isn't all that easy. But getting lots of smaller links is. If you check out Blogitive's advertising method, you'll find that this is what they are all about.

Take a look and see what Blogitive can do for your page rank.

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